Feature Film (In Development)
A middle-aged woman begins a journey of sexual awakening after meeting a masseur. Their ensuing awakenings lead to consequences that change their lives forever.
Marisol awakens. She’s a forty-something woman in a loveless and restrictive marriage. Seeking a cure to a chronic pain, she meets Toshiaki, a Shiatsu Master, who helps her unblock and release her sexual energy, which leads her to discover her own sensuality and commence a powerful journey of erotic discovery.
Toshiaki opens her body and mind to a new way of experiencing sexuality and re ecting on morality. Marisol, in turn, disrupts the perfect order of his existence; challenges his conventions and awakens a slumbering soul.
Society, in the form of Marisol’s friend, Harris, does not appreciate a liberated woman, even in the 21st Century. Harris becomes both jealous and threatened by her friend’s lack of restraint. Things come to a head when Harris accuses Toshiaki of rape. However, in the end, the answers are not so simple and love can transgress boundaries. In this world, there is complexity and nuance.
Marisol is told through improvisation, imaginative, vivid storytelling and visual experiments in erotica. The body and the mind are connected. Through intimate scenes and exquisite cinematography we will feel the emotional transformation of our central characters. This is a delicate but powerful lm about the interconnections between life, sexuality and the spirit.